martes, 19 de enero de 2010

CCG's Game Of The Year 2009!

And our game of the year is...


Why? We all agree (and "all" means SuperViv, JR and me) that Plants vs Zombies surpassed all our expectations and gave us lots of hours of good, solid fun. This game wasn't hyped to death, but word of mouth has made it a success. JR found this game and told me that I just had to play it. He was right! Then I bought this game for my brother, and he really loved it! And SuperViv was told that she just had to play this game... by a friend from Israel! Yes, everybody around the globe loves Plants vs Zombies. Just because it looks like a "small" game, this doesn't mean that PvZ is worse than any of the Big Names.

In our words:

Such a simple idea. Yet, the execution is perfect. The graphics, the writing (the descriptions in the zombie guide are just hilarious), the gameplay... The difficulty is so finely tuned that you get the feeling that this game was playtested to death. (Danda)

Plants vs. Zombies is very addictive. It's not particularly difficult, but it gets slightly more difficult in every level, which makes you want to progress further and further. After every level, you end up with a new item that you just quickly want to try - so that 45 minutes later you're still "just quickly trying" a new item. The game is simple and really goofy in an endearing way. They paid a lot of attention to detail, too. The graphics are nicely cartoonish, the different types of zombies are funny, the music doesn't get on your nerves even after an hour or two, and the whole game sounds good from every shot and explosion to the zombies' muttering of "brains!" (SuperViv)

PvZ is quite cool! It may be less addictive than Defense Grid but it's more entertaining and varied. It's a really nice game and as you progress in the game you find a lot of hilarious stuff the makers put in the game. It's also very varied because it has a ton of minigames. I think it's a good purchase. And it's perfect for girlfriends! (JR)

So that's it. Oh, and my runner-up is...


That game is just perfect. Everything about is carefully built up to be great. OK, the story may be a little shallow if we compare it with a (good) movie, which is what it would like to be, but for the usual videogame standards, the script in Uncharted 2 is Shakespeare. But this is not like Metal Gear Solid 4: if you skip all the cutscenes (like I did on my second playthrough), you still have a dozen rock-solid hours of game.

And my definitely-not-game-of-the-year is...


Why would I pay extra to play the same game from 2007, all over again? No way. I only played this game because I managed to find, amazingly, a new copy for 17€.

I guess I'm supposed to find the airport level shocking (the game even offers to skip it), but the most shocking thing was the ending for that level. I was thinking "that's what you deserve for shooting the wrong people, you moron". Was I supposed to feel that? I'm not sure.

So, what about the "new" stuff? Oh, yes: I had to rescue hostages at an oil rig. Didn't I already do that in the early Rainbow Six games? Of course I did. And the snowmobile? Didn't I already do that on No One Lives Forever 2? Yes! Then, what about fighting on American soil? Oh, you mean, like in Resistance 2? And defending a diner from the ceiling? I think I already did that on that weird Area 51 kind-of-sequel, Blacksite.

Derivative, that's the word. Even the music is not as good as in COD4. Zimmer, you lazy man! Did you even write it, or did you just put your name on it?

And I don't care if you don't agree. It's just my opinion.


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