jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009

Hello Danda,

How's life?

Oh, it is a shame how little I have written, but quite frankly, I hardly played any games at all in the past few weeks. I did play some GTA IV again, which managed to frustrate me quite a bit at some mission. Basically, I had to drive all the way across town to follow someone on a motorbike, and of course I fell off the bike at the first unexpected turn. So the guy got away. I restarted the mission, drove all the way across town, fell of the motorbike again, and again the mission was lost. After four or five tries I was so frustrated that I decided to do something else. So I was glad to hear it when a friend of mine told me that for the add-on The Lost and Damned they implemented checkpoints in missions, so you wouldn't have to start all over again. What a great idea!

Apart from that I have only played some DJ Hero on a friend's Xbox 360, and I have to say I found it quite entertaining. I didn't know most of the songs and I'm not a big fan of DJ mashup-music, so I suppose that's why I had more fun playing Guitar Hero with a friend on her Playstation 2 earlier this year. But both games are a lot of fun.

In other news, they released the game Dragon Age: Origins last month that looks really great. You bought it on Steam, right? Did you play it yet? I will definitely have to check that out at some point.

Well, Christmas is approaching and if all goes well, I should be able to do some serious gaming over the holidays/vacation. What's more christmasy than blasting some hellish spawn to pieces? Not much!

-- Superviv

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