jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Hey, I must be going!

Hi SuperViv,

In a few hours I'll be taking a plane to Spain for a very long vacation. I must leave this blog in your capable hands alone until 2010, because I won't have a steady internet connection for a couple of months. It's not impossible that I find some internet cafe in the place where I'm going, but who knows!

As a parting gift, JR and I have sent you a gift certificate for two of the best games ever made: The Pandora Directive and Sanitarium. It's been almost ten years since I've played them, but the impression they made was very deep. I hope the 'dated visuals' don't deter you from playing, because the story in those games haven't been equaled. But I'm sure you have a lot of things to do before, like getting stuff sorted out before the long journey you will be making next year. How funny! They say often gamers don't even leave their mom's basement, but we seem to travel a lot. Maybe it's because we are casual core gamers! :D

So long,
- Danda

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